Sunday, March 13, 2011

Frustrations and Aggravations

Today was pretty frustrating.  It started with the charge nurse.  This person has never been an ICU nurse and just graduated the fellowship and works in the ER.  I don't fault her for not knowing things, because this isn't her area of expertise but I do fault her for being too insecure to take any advice from a person who has been an ICU nurse for five years.  I asked about patients leaving the unit and her response was "We have beds, I ain't worried about it, I have other things going on."  The fact is we had one Afghan bed left and we were taking three hits.  This is not anticipating the needs of the unit.  Then next thing was her patient required conscoius sedation yet she was nowhere to be found and I was yelled at by the doc to get the medication.  This wasn't MY patient!!  She was too busy hanging out in the breakroom with her buds.  Then they came to pick up a patient to transfer to another hospital and she had no idea this was happening, neither did the nurse caring for the patient.

This leads me to the aggravation; Beeland.  He is such a dumbass!  Today he felt it was more important to finish his e-mail to inquire about Flight Nursing rather than preparing his patient to leave.  I told him his e-mail could wai and he needed to package the patient.  Of course, patient care isn't his priority so he continued with the e-mail.  I haven't a clue how he got this far in life, but knowing how things work, he'll be one of those Colonels without a clue that the rest of us will have to shuffle behind, cleaning up his messes.  We do that now. 

I am also angry the docs didn't listen when I said I was uncomfortable with an order they gave regarding a pediatric patient.  I gave my reasons and they continued with the order.  The patient ended up having the drip stopped because of her decreased platelets.  But who listens to the nurse.  I know I have a lot to learn but I do know what I know.  I hate being ignored and put off.  I'm not sure why this happens, I think I'm vocal but maybe not enough.  I feel like I'm losing my cool.  I didn't go to dinner tonight because I just need to be alone. 

I find I am angry with everyone lately and I don't like feeling this way.  I have too much time to go, I think I'll just spend more of my time alone and stay away. 


  1. Oh man. I thought you were escaping some of the just followed you, huh? Sorry, dude. :/ It has an end date. It has an end date. It has an end date. Just keep your eye on that prize and know that we're still thinking about ya. I can't wait to have you back. I can just picture you prepping dinner, telling stories about the idiocy of your co-workers, cracking the rest of us up. I can't WAIT!

  2. I can only hope the end date comes quickly. I am so frustrated, it's like working at Wilford Hall except with patients. I will start to charge soon and then for those few days I can run the floor. I hate when people think rank = leadership.
    So how are things there? I have been shadowing some anesthestists (sp?) here. I didn't get excited until the other day. Most of the time they just did their job but this one in particular explained so much and showed me so much.
    I miss being home, yesterday I was needing a Kodi/Konner sandwich hug so much I just came home and went to bed. Have you seen them lately? I talk to them briefly on the phone but it seems I keep missing them. They did send me a bunch of valentines and letters so I have them posted to my wall. I may post the pics tomorrow. Anyway, that's all I have. Please stay in touch, I miss you.


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