Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nurse Muppet

Blonde Ambition Deployment 2011

Since I've been here I've spent most of my time with Tovar.  It started out that I had my day off with Beeland and since Tovar had promised to work out with me, the two of them switched days so we would have the day off together.  We get teased a lot because you usually don't see one without the other (not unlike a lot of other people here).  We get up at 0330 each morning and go to the gym, then work and later dinner.  One our days off, we spend the evening prior planning what we'll do:  go to the gym, eat breakfast, shower and nap.  Later we will study or watch a movie and then dinner.  Not too much excitement but it's a schedule. 

His energy is like no other.  He is hilarious and we make cracks about the day and events that might have happened.  For example, he tells the story of the worm in such a way that although I've heard it a million times it still cracks me up!  He uses such animation in his facial expressions and hand gestures that he reminds me of a Muppet, hence the title.  At work, he will often refer to be as "cracker" and  have called him "beaner."  We've made name tapes for each other, his "Awesome" and mine is "Thanderth".  Each one has a funny story associated with it.  In all seriousness, he has been a positive force and has made this deployment bearable.  His skill as a nurse just astounds me and I've learned so much.  There are few people I rely on for good information when it comes to nursing and he is one of them.  Even when one of our docs explains something, I will go to Nurse Muppet and if he agrees then it must be so.  If I'm on the unit and there is an issue with a patient and I feel my eyes watering, I will tell him "Say something stupid, quick!"...and he will oblige.  

PT Capris

It was raining and snowing and he doesn't like the wet and cold, so in the picture to the left, he rolled up his pants and now he's wearing his AF PT "Capris."  Of coure, we ran into Col McNeill and she said "Of course you're mine!"  I'm really glad he's here on this deployment with me, I've become a better nurse by observing him and I've become stronger physically because of his encouragement and harrassment that only a brother can deliver.  Thank you Nurse Muppet!

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