Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Children

Today is Konner's birthday and I'm feeling a bit teary eyed.  I have never missed a birthday and I wish I could be at home celebrating this milestone.  Instead I am here.  For the past week and half I have been caring for two small children, one who's home was hit by a rocket and the other we did a humanitarian tumor surgery, and one pre-teen (sister of the toddler who's home was hit).

Hamida, the toddler was admitted with an eviscerated belly.  Her house was hit by a rocket and she suffered the effects of shrapnel piercing her tiny body.  She was very sick.  She coded several times and I honestly believed she wouldn't make it.  I had told myself it was best for her.  After several days of care, her trach was decanulated, she was crying and acting like a normal two year old.  The day she left for the ward, she grabbed my shirt sleeve and held her arms up for me to hold her.  That was a moment I'll never forget and one I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

Her sister, Habiba was also admitted with similar wounds.  This child also had rough days.  She would wake up terrified and ready to attack.  She would give the Taliban a run for their money if she were in the Afghanistan National Army.  This child was on several medications to subdue her and several times we nurses had to hold her down to keep her from escaping.  The other day, I had overheard them talking about her sister.  I asked if she wanted to see her and she nodded.  I brought Hamida to her and I saw the biggest smile on her face, one I haven't seen from the children here.  This is another moment I will not forget nor trade.  Today, she walked on her own to the end of the bay and tomorrow she'll be reunited with her sister and brother. 

They have a little brother, I didn't take care of him but he and his cousin walk around the hospital holding hands.  The uninjured cousin takes great pride in helping his injured cousins, very attentive.  I love watching him.  It makes me think of Kodi and Konner.  They would be that caring toward each other, helping the other when he's down.

The cousin really likes Elmo, me I'm a bit sick of Elmo...I know he has two ears, I've heard it 32 times!!  I did bring in my laptop with the cartoons, but apparently Afghan children do not appreciate the humor of Animaniacs. 

The last child I cared for this past week and a half was little Safi.  We admitted him 45 days ago to operate on a brain tumor.  This baby did not like being held so everyone mostly left him alone.  He had a very attentive uncle.  After several operations, infections and other resources it was decided Safi would be sent home to be with his family his last few days.  If he had been born in the U.S., he would have survived because the tumor would have been found much earlier. 

I am so thankful my children were born in the U.S.  We may not have the best healthcare system in the world, but at least it's not third world.  Here, people can get good medical care but only if they can afford it.  There is no Medicare or Medicaid, no county hospitals that just eat the cost and certainly not doctors who will provide care regardless of your financial situation.  

Happy Birthday to you Konner, the best gift I can give you is that you were born an American. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that last line is beautiful. :) I guess I didn't realize just how much PEDS experience you guys would be getting! That's amazing and heartbreaking, I would imagine.

    I don't even know what to say about you having to miss your baby's birthday, other than thank you. What can anybody say to a sacrifice like that? I am so glad we got to talk to you last night!

    Also, I wanted to let you know that Tom is doing an awesome job with the boys. We all got to see him raise his voice yesterday and it was hilarious. None of us have ever seen that! He's doing a great job keeping the house just like you'd like it. Trust me, it isn't just the maid! Your boys can destroy a room faster than anything, I saw it tonight! My boys helped a little, too, but still, Tom deserves much praise and credit for keeping things steady on this end. He even has the ziploc cupboard organized!

    You guys are an awesome family. I am proud to call you my friends. You guys are making such a huge sacrifice and the world certainly does not give you enough credit.


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