Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Day Off

I know I usually write about patients and my days at work but today I just want to talk about my day off.  I was afraid I might not get it because yesterday we got a mass cal and we were going to fill up.  Tovar was on call and he got called in, so I spent most of the day alone. 

I woke up around 0630 and decided to do laundry.  I changed sheets and one of my old roommates left a feather bed topper, so I snagged it and made my bed.  I was able to Skype with Tom and Kodi so that was good.  We had a little bit of a conversation, said our "I love you's" and then I went into work and did some laundry.  After laundry, I came home and did some "me" things.  First I watched a little Nip/Tuck.  Yes, soft porn but awesome story lines!  After watching I decided to take a shower and pamper myself.  I "shiseidoed", meaning I used my Shiseido and moisturized my face and did a Retin A treatment to my eyes.  The very moment I did that, Tovar knocks on my door.  I had to hurry out because I knew he'd crack up and wake up my roommate...and he did. 

After I finished with the pampering, we went to lunch.  Meals at the DFAC are ALWAYS an adventure.  It just amazes me the military wants their members to be in their best physical shape yet feeds them the worst food ever.  There is so much fat and salt in this food it's unbelievable.

Afterward, we walked to the BX and just hung out a bit.  I came back to my room and just enjoyed being alone.  All my roommates are out and about so I have this place all to myself.  I really felt like this was ok this morning as I lay in my bed and for the first time since being here, felt very little stress.  My roommates are easy to get along with and although we each have different personalities and different backgrounds but we seem to be doing ok and getting along well.

That is my day off, boring but necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to tell you we miss you. Glad your ovaries are in check, and your roommates are a nicer bunch. Can't wait to hang out and have a cocktail with you.


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