Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Eve

New Year's is a time to reflect on the old and look forward to the new.  I started out thinking this would be a good close of the year but it isn't.  Our unit had a party and that was fun.  I had started working toward our little Sabid home to pass away.  I came home and logged onto the computer, had a great skype connection with the family and then I read the message from my daughter.  That's when things turned sour.  I know that New Year's is all about Auld Lang Syne but there are some things you can't let go of and you can't forget.   

I know this posting is a little late but life has been a little busy.  We have had three attacks since the New Year so I haven't had a lot of computer time.  Funny, some people are very complacent and others take the warnings very seriously.  I think what annoys me most is the complacency.  We have had several Americans with missing limbs, genitals and organs in the short time I've been here.  I don't want to be one of those poor souls.  I'll don my IBA and go in the hall and wait. 

When I skyped the family the other day, I didn't realize how easy I'm taking all of this.  While skyping, I moved on the bed and Kodi thought I was in the middle of an earthquake.  My response was "oh no, no earthquake, just bombs and rockets."  He got a little worried so I reassured him I was in no danger.  We had one attack and four Americans were injured.  Thankfully, they were minor. 

An update to Sabid.  We were able to place her at the Kabul Burn Center.  I know it sounds like "Wow, maybe we can save her" but the reality is she was too burned to be saved.  She lasted five weeks with us on the unit and the Afghanistan hospitals are not up to U.S. standards.  Why, you ask, did we send her?  I feel good knowing that we gave her wonderful care, sent her in the best possible condition and she will be able to say goodbye to her family.  If she were to have stayed with us, she would never have seen them again.  My eyes welled up with tears but my heart knows it was for the best.  Happy New Year.


  1. Good for you for taking things seriously. I wouldn't think a war zone is a time for complacency. I don't know what's brewing with the daughter, but I hope it didn't totally ruin your New Years. :/

    Thinking about you LOTS as we're coming up on the one year anniversary of Sean's departure. I miss you, Bud!

  2. Poor baby with a dirty band aid. What a bunch of fuckfaces!!! Glad you ratted them out, I know you weren't trying to earn brownie points. Sorry about the family issues but those usually never go away. Same old shit happening over here. Maz has the croup. It about gave me breakdown. It's the first time she's ever yelled OWE OWE because breathing hurt. I showed up to the Urgent Care looking like someone on an episode of Cops. No joke. Wife beater, braless, jeans half tucked into ugg boots, no eyebrows, super special. Miss you. Be safe.


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