Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Turf Wars

My roommates' self-described "cleanliness"
So when I moved in I had a few roommates and I decided since they were all leaving relatively soon, I wouldn't step on anyone's toes and just try to be at peace with living in chaos for a little while.  Not so much!  I had skyped Tom and the boys on Christmas day.  I didn't really get to talk to them but I watched them as they opened their presents.  One would think my roommates would be okay with this, especially because it was at the end of the day and they would be getting up relatively soon for shift change.  One in particular, Lt Cornman, had a huge issue with it.  She wrote a nasty note on the white board outside the room.  I asked her what her reason was and we had a huge argument.  I told her I wasn't going to live like a pig anymore and she needed to clean her crap up.  It turned into a meeting with the flight commanders and like I expected, she hung herself.  She not only was rude, disrespectful but she lied straight to our leadership! 

Our leaders made it a point that we are at war.  What's interesting is the war we wage is with each other.  It seems that everyone in this room tiptoed around this person's personality and I was the one to stand up to her.  She is an ugly person and I would hate to think she would stay in the Air Force and one day be a leader.  I think what is wrong with the military is that we let people like this excel because we are too afraid to call them on their stuff.  This is one who will probably get promoted because no one wants to deal with her.

Dr. Fortuna showing his sensitive side
Another turf war going on is with one of our docs.  He's just got a lot of opinions of how things should be and some people just want to but heads with him.  They call him an asshole behind his back and maybe he is.  I haven't had an issue with him yet but he did the most amazing thing yesterday.  He picked up our little burn baby and rocked him.  It's amazing what children can do to your heart.

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