Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

It didn't seem like Christmas until the end of the day.  I hadn't listened to any carols or watched any movies.  I think I just tried to ignore the fact I wouldn't be home.  I tried going to church last night but was annoyed and didn't feel any spirituality.  I just wanted them to stop singing so many songs so I could come home and sleep.  I was able to get off a little early today and was able to skype with Tom and the boys.  That's when it his me that it was actually Christmas Day.  I cried a little as I watched the boys open their gifts with all the excitement they had built up.  I am so lucky, I felt like I could just reach out and touch them.  The tears were that of joy, thank God for technology.  Konner came up and hugged the computer. 

After skyping, I went back to the unit for our Christmas Party.  Castillo and White set it all up and we had an actual, non-DFAC Christmas dinner!   I made homemade cranberry sauce in an electric teapot!  It truly is adapt or perish here (the clinic motto).  We had ham, green bean casserole, an assortment of pies, lumpia and so many other wonderful dishes.  I ate until I was stuffed so full I couldn't eat anymore.  We also had a white elephant gift exchange.  That was a lot of fun too.  Later, Annie and I danced to Elvis' "Blue Christmas" and made everyone laugh.  Now it feels like Christmas.  If I had to spend the day away from my family I am so glad I am with these people.  This is the reason I joined the Air Force.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you made the most of it. Your boys stopped in for a bit the other day. They all seem to be doing great. How cool that you made homemade ANYTHING in a teapot. You'll have to write a Deployment Cookbook.



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