Friday, December 24, 2010

The Best Christmas Ever...According to Tovar

My Lego Christmas

Today was a very interesting day.  My patient, an Afghan man who came to us from the sky had a bowel movement.  While cleaning him, I saw something unusual, and discovered it was a 25 inch tapeworm!  Needless to say I got a great ab workout because I wretched and threw up a little in my mouth.  Castillo, laughing, asked if I needed a trash can.  So not knowing for sure what to do with the worm, I called for one of the more seasoned deployers, Capt Delker.  After several others came over to see the worm, Tovar exclaimed "This is the best Christmas ever!"  Delker told me I had to pick it up and put it in a container for the lab.  I totally thought he was yanking my chain but I did it anyway.  Anyone who knows me knows this is a HUGE step in my personal growth.  After that little episode, my patient then decided to pull his dobhoff tube!  Yes, that was so special.  SSgt Castillo and I pulled out the WWF wrestling moves trying to place it again and while I was very up close and personal with him, HE LICKED ME!  I think I'm engaged now.  No worries, Tom, I happily declined!  Tonight, I'm takig a five minute combat shower.
Christmas Carolers with weapons in tow

I saw an amazing thing today.  Tovar one of the folks I deployed with never struck me as having a sensitive side.  He was caring for a baby who was burned in a house fire.  In the bed  next to the baby was his 10 year old sister.  He cradled the baby in his arms and let the two visit for a while.  It was the most special moment and it reminded me why I became a nurse. 

Later, Santa visited and brought presents.  It made me feel sad that I couldn't be home wrapping gifts and watching March of the Penguins.  That's a silly tradition Tom and I started some years ago, but this Christmas Eve feels especially lonely.  I miss my family and I hope they have a wonderful day tomorrow.  I hope I get to skype with them.

On another note, we also had carollers come through the unit.  As they came through, they sang various Christmas songs; one being "Peace on Earth".  It was a little ironic to be singing songs of peace and love while carrying M-16s and M-9s.

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