Thursday, December 23, 2010


Today I think our docs forgot that it was Christmas and decided to perform an Easter miracle.  We received a patient from the Egyptian hospital and he was clinically dead.  The only reason he was breathing was due to the fact he was on a ventilator.  For clinicians, his Ph was 6.8, K 8, Mg 5.0, core temp 84 degrees; for non clinicians, he was dead.  So for whatever reason our docs decided it was worth putting a ton of precious resources into saving this guy.  I really don't understand why and nether do many of the other nurses on our floor.  When I left, his temp was rising because of all the warm blood we poured into him but honestly, I'll be surprised if he makes it.  No, it wasn't one of our Americans.  I think that's why I'm annoyed by this because those resources could have gone to a better purpose.  This man has no chance here in Afghanistan.  The doctors are only as good as our better nurses (not the best nurses).  Most of the time when we send these folks to a local hospital, they're put in a corner to die.  So we pour all these limited resources into a person that has no chance once we send them to a local hospital.  It is so agravating! 

Anyway, we're having a white elephant gift exchange for Christmas.  I got a six back of St. Pauli's N.A.  Tovar is going to go through some free stuff and give that.  It should be a lot of fun.  Katie of course isn't going to participate.  Her comment was "'F' that!"  That's okay, she's making tons of enemies.  I have quit going to meals with her primarily because I can't take the negativity.  I can go negative too fast and it's much too early for that right now.  I am building my confidence as a nurse and officer and cannot allow someone to take that from me.  I'm running out of time!!

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