Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Empathy Lost?

Robin Williams

Today I experienced my first death of a child.  He was only 9 and came in with severe dehydration.  He was at the local hospital but they couldn't do much for him so they sent him to us.  He was already too sick to heal.  I didn't cry or feel bad and it scared me to think maybe I have lost my heart and empathy. 

Later, I took care of my burn patient.  She is 14 and although they say she's 47% burned, is actually more.  Only her breasts and face were left unscarred.  In this culture, she is already married and has children.  God, she's only 14.  Her childhood was taken away so early.  Anyway, I had to change her dressings.  As she is crying out in pain and she is stroking my face, I felt my eyes well up with tears.  Thank God I haven't lost my ability to feel, at least not this early.  I decided I didn't feel anything before because I hadn't met that other patient. 

Kix Brooks and Bob Di Piero

Robin Williams and Kicks Brooks came to the unit today for a little USO tour.  That was pretty great.  I don't want to get caught up in the celebrity of things here because I have a job but I really wanted my picture taken with Robin Williams,  Tom had his picture taken with him eight years ago, now I have a picture to go along with my story.  Unfortunately, Lance Armstrong got too tired after meeting the Emergency Room folks and called it a night.  So much for the 7 time winner of the Tour de France.

Robin Williams greeting the staff
Admiral Mulllins wife also came through the unit.  I thought that was pretty great considering she is a spouse and she came to a war zone to see what we do.  I am so glad I joined the military.  I hate the conditions right now in my living space, I hate being separated from my family but I am so glad of the worthy job I am doing.

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