Sunday, December 5, 2010

Church and the Cave

Enough said
I went to mass today with a few of my friends and it was a completely different feeling.  First, we all were carrying weapons.  Never did that in church before.  Second, the priest was wearing combat boots and when we prayed to St. Michael, it was odd knowing that I was in this combat situation.  I don't think the full effect has hit me yet but I'm sure soon it will...and I'm afraid I won't be able to live up to my expectations.  The priest was very funny, he made some jokes that I'm sure I'll get as my time here continues.  I think I'm more impressed with the fact that I went to church after such a long absence.

Annie in her cave
Now to the reference of the cave.  My roommates do not talk to me or one another.  The room is ALWAYS dark and when I'm here I feel like I have to tip toe all the time.  God I hope I can move in with my friends so that I can feel somewhat normal.  I don't know how I can study in such an environment.  I have no motivation being in this cave, I feel more like the Taliban hiding out than I do the person who is helping in the fight against them.  The other thought on my room; 40 year olds do not belong on the top bunk! 

I am going to try and ignore Katie's ridiculous fits.  Maybe she doesn't know how to handle stress well.  I know sometimes people look at my rank and don't see the whole person.  Maybe I'm looking at her rank and expecting more than I should.  She has only been in the military a year and maybe she hasn't had the exposure I have. 

I was able to talk to the boys yesterday, I felt so teary eyed when I was hanging up.  I wanted a snuggle so much.  I hope these feelings pass, because if they don't I'm in for a long six months.

Combat showers.  What can I say about them.  They're short but I have adapted and I am very proud of myself.  I think I adapt well to my surroundings.  There are some things that are irritating and annoying but once I figure a way to incorporate them into my life, they aren't as bad.  I know I had a lot more to say but right now, I just can't remember all of it.  Until tomorrow.

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