Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We boarded our flight and it was very long.  The seats were all very narrow, so it didn't matter if you sat in first class or last class your were going to get a pressure ulcer on your hips.  I think there were some movies but I slept as much as possible.  We flew from Manas to Turkey, then Germany and finally Baltimore.  What irritated me most is the fact the three people we left behind could have been on this flight, there were available seats so why did we have to leave them behind?

When we got off the plane in Baltimore, the USO was there clapping for our return.  It was such an awesome feeling and I felt a little embarrassed.  I love what I do and I want to be recognized, just not publicly. 

I made a call to the boys.  They did not know I was coming home, because of all the potential delays, we decided not to give them a date.   I called and just asked them what they had done that day.  When it got to my turn I said "Well I got on an airplane and I'm back in the United States and I'll see you tomorrow."  The shouts of joy were so overwhelming I started to cry happy tears.  It was so awesome to hear how much I was missed by those guys.

We found Annie's parents and then off to the hotel.  Once we were there, things were different.  The manager behind the counter did not want to help us with the government rate, the lady behind the cafe counter did not treat us nicely, she was annoyed she had to serve us.  I'm sorry, I just got off a 24 hour flight and I am a little hungry.

We visited for a bit and I went off to bed.  It was wonderful to be all alone, have a giant bed and bathroom all to myself and just be able to relax.  I only slept about three hours, but it was such a restful sleep.

We boarded our plane and I think we were both a little nervous about seeing our kids.  The flight was uneventful and finally we landed in San Antonio.  Annie asked me on the way up the ramp why she was nervous about seeing her own children.  My reply was "I'm nervous too.  They've changed and without us." 

We got off the plane and before I could even get out of the line, Konner yelled "Moooom" , dropped his homecoming poster and rushed into my arms, Kodi quickly followed.  It was so wonderful, holding them and feeling them.  Tom came up and we had a family hug.  All my friends were there; Chrissy, Sean, their children, Ashlee, Byron, Mazzy and Tammy.  It was everyone I wanted to see.  Lots of hugs and tears of happiness.  I can't imagine coming home to no one.  I sort of felt sorry for Kate because she really didn't have anyone to greet her. 

I am so thankful for the experience, but I am more thankful to be home.  I will go again, but next time it will hopefully be easier.

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