Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Replacements

Our replacements arrived on the 4th and that made us all very happy, because this is the point you know you're finally going home soon.  It's interesting when you get someone new into the room because the dynamics change once again.  Now I can't sleep because my new bunkmate snores, not only snores but it's a symphony of sounds.  I think this makes the other two rude roommates really angry because they've started slamming the door.  I am fairly sleep deprived but that's kind of how this whole deployment has been.  I don't know who's idea it was to cram 8 women in a room, but obviously they have no idea what they've done.

Other people are going through similar trials.  Dr. Gunst (Dr. Hight's replacement) is flexing his own muscle.  He's kind of a jerk.  He's rude and cocky.  It's funny because Dr. Gerlach has to succumb to that which is what we've had to do with him.  I think we gave him way too much credit before we knew him.  I think this dynamic puts patients at risk because both want to flex their muscle and I don't think they think of the patient.  That's why we have nurses.  We don't care about muscle flexing.

Every new doctor that comes in has a different way to of doing things.  One will want drips and the next wants IV pushes.  Both can recite "studies" but no one can pinpoint you to them.  It becomes frustrating.  I have one new doc that doesn't trust what I'm doing and although I know what I'm doing (or at least will ask someone) and this is causing frustration for me.  She's new to the unit and not an ICU doc, I'm an ICU nurse with six years experience, I just need her to let me do my job.

Soon I will be leaving and going home to a new hospital and the dynamics will start all over again; new doctors, new nurses and new experiences.

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