Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Biggest Frustration

I think my biggest frustration with being deployed and a nurse is the lack of consideration for others. I honestly believe in the core values we have, but it is so hard to maintain on that track when there are so
many people around you who do not.  For example, my roommate.  She continues to be inconsiderate keeps me up at night, so I am sleep deprived.  Then I have to come into work, a stressful situation at times and try to be on my best game.  Today did not work out so well.

I have a patient who has anoxic brain injury.  He was the victim of a rocket blast and then a mud house fell on him and they were not able to recover him for four hours.  He suffered anoxic brain injury.  He came in with a GCS of 3 (a dead person can have a GCS of 3) and his best has been 8.  Eight is not a good number.  He continues to deteriorate despite treatment.  Today we had an ethics committee regarding withdrawal of care.  I thought the docs were all on board with this until the neurosurgeon stepped in and made the comment that his encephalopathy may be related to his new pneumonia.  WHAT?!  His neuro status has declined, whereas he was at first purposeful and now only withdraws to pain.  Not only that but what chance does this man have in this country with NO REHABILITATION HOSPITALS AND HE WAS LIVING IN A MUD HUT?!  Do they think his family is going to be able to care for him?  So we are to give him 48 hours of antibiotics and see if he improves his neurological status.  I have never heard of vancomycin improving a neuro injury, but who am I, just a nurse.  I wish I had been awake to open my mouth and say something.  I don't know if the military or what but I am not as vocal or as strong as a patient advocate as I'd like to be.

I think I'll quit trying to be so politically correct and just say to hell with political correctness and just start being a better nurse.  I need to remember how I used to be and get back there quick.  I was a better, smarter nurse before I came in.  I find advocating for my patients to be a mute point because most of the doctors don't care or listen.  I think it's because they don't fear reprisal from lawsuits.  I used to think that was ok, but maybe they should be subjected to lawsuits; maybe they would CARE a little more.

I am also frustrated with the wastefulness I see.  We are in a war zone and have LIMITED supplies and to see or hear someone say "Well, it's free" or "it's not like it costs anything" makes me want to hit them in the head.  It's OUR tax dollars so yes it does cost something.  Maybe when we don't get a paycheck they'll reconsider.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister! It IS our tax dollars! Wastefullness abounds and I can't stand people acting like Washington grows money trees. WE are the money trees, people!

    You're a good nurse, Kerrie. So many people are devoid of reality. Glad you know what's going on.


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