Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So last night I was skyping with Ashlee and suddenly I hear rockets.  We all gather in the hall in our IBA and we were held there for a couple of hours.  We are pretty fortunate to have the type of building we have so we're fairly safe.  I know we were laughing and joking, like usual, but there was a difference.  When we couldn't find one of our techs, it was stressful.  We were hoping and praying he was ok.  He was.  I however, was very stylish in my pajamas and gear...oh yes and with my weapon.

We now have three EPWs on our floor, one is 15.  Hard to believe these young kids are part of this war but that's what happens when a country is so poor it's inhabitants will do anything for money or to save their families.  Who knows what the motivation was for this kid, right now he's our patient. 

I have serious doubts about O/Usama Bin Laden's death.  I am not into conspiracies created by our government...I am probably very naive.  I want to believe our government officials do what they do for the benefit of it's people rather than their own self fulfillment, but I am beginning to believe I am incorrect.  I hope the death of this terrorist was not a media plant in order for President Obama to raise his ratings, if so, he did it too soon because if the economy is as bad as it is now, people will forget May 2nd.  I just find it odd that he was buried at sea and no pictures.  I don't know, just skeptical right now.


  1. Sean says, "Good for you!" Your gut feeling/instincts are probably correct. :) Just playing catch up on your blog. Don't know how I missed all these posts!


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