Saturday, May 21, 2011


Today was our first day for TeamSTEPPS training.  This training is to teach people to work together as a team so there are fewer mishaps.  This concept for this training came from the Crew Resource Management training, yes that I got to  be on the ground floor for developing for the Air Force. 

I like the concept of CRM or TeamSTEPPS (the medical version) but the concept works when everyone is on board.  Unfortunately I don't think that will happen for some time in the medical field.  First, the surgeons need to listen to the nurses and understand we spend at least 12 hours with the patient.  They see them at a glance.  Second, nurses need to quit stepping on each other and stabbing each other in the back.

For example, this morning when I took report on my little boy I did his neuro assessment and noticed his pupils were different from the day before.  When I asked the nurse who took care of him overnight if this was a change to her, she stated his pupils had been like that all night.  I immediately went to find the doctor to let him know. 

This nurse kept telling me his status hadn't changed and I repeatedly stated it was different from when I had him so it was a change.  She took this to mean I was accusing her of not properly assessing her patient and ran to tell the Colonel I was rude and accusatory to her.  She had also stated I had done this in the past (which is not true).  This particular nurse and I have had some issues from our previous base. 

After the Colonel spoke to me regarding the situation, I resolved it with doing an over the bed check with her during our evening shift change.   I'm sure she'll have a tale for the Colonel and there will be another discussion.  Sometimes when people get defensive there are reasons, and thankfully those at my home base are aware of her reasons.

I really am starting to become very angry with so many silly things right now.  I am tired of people and putting up with their ridiculous habits.  It seems the closer it gets to going home, the less tolerant I am becoming.  I REALLY need to work on that because I don't want to lose my mind and fly off the handle for no reason.  I just need to bide my time so maybe on my days off I'll hole up alone on my bed and close the blankets around me and recharge.

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