Saturday, May 28, 2011

Redeployment Ceremony

This morning was our redeployment ceremony where everyone who was going home during June and July gathered to receive their medals and recognition for all the work we've done to save lives.  As I stood there with my peers, I felt such a sense of pride and accomplishment; one that I had never felt before.  We have done so many wonderful things as a medical community.  Because of the care we provide, we were able to send 99% of our wounded home to their families and are recovering!  For those that we couldn't save, we stood at the entrance of the plane and honored them.  We witnessed over 300 Purple Hearts awarded to the injured warrior and we've worked hard to save the innocent victims of this war.  During this deployment there have been many ups and downs, many hardships to endure but the sense of pride I felt this morning outside of the ER and receiving my medal was one that I will not forget. 

I was reading a news story how the war in Afghanistan is becoming increasingly unpopular at home.  For those of you reading this, please stop listening to the media.  It is skewed in order to meet the agendas of their desire.  If we leave this country before we have finished the job, and that job is to help stabilize the 30 years of war these people have endured; we will be back and it will be worse.  Of all the military and local people I have helped to nurse over these last six months, there is nothing but pride in what we’re doing here.  Many of my patients are disappointed they have to leave and can't continue to help.  I am a little bit torn.  I want to stay and help but I want to be home with my family.  I can't imagine I'll do anything this meaningful again...until my next deployment.

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