Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lord of the Flies

I recently read an article in Rolling Stone about the Army Battalion "Kill Team".  These soldiers were sadistic and took it upon themselves to go out and just kill Afghans.  At first, I felt like it was a bunch of media hype and then after reading the article, my heart sank.  These soldiers were so bent on killing someone they sought innocent people and not only killed them but mutiliated their bodies for trophies.  Their "reasoning" behind these killings is that these people are savages.  Reminds you of another time in our history, doesn't it.

The six months I have been here, I have seen these people as kind, warm and loving.  I don't see the "savage" side of these people.  Their culture has been destroyed by war.  The majority of Afghans I have met are grateful and generous.  They are so appreciative of the care we give them and I have fallen in love with so many of the children. 

I had a female patient the other day who was shot by the Iranian police when she tried to cross the border to see her mother.  This child is 16 and has now lost her leg.  She is a beautiful girl and I asked her how she felt about what had happened.  She said "I don't deserve this, I'm only 16."  My eyes welled up with tears and I sat there and held her hand in silence for a while.  Although we don't speak the same language I think she understood my heart was breaking for her.

I hate what these wars have done to these people but I honestly believe with my heart we can help mend this country.  I just wish there weren't incidents of our military acting like the savages they claim to hate.

I am angry the media posted this story because it puts the majority of us who are not sadistic in danger.  I'm more angry with this Army Battalion for allowing this kind of activity to happenlook down upon us as a military.  Please when you read those acts of savagry of our military, remember they are the few and get the attention.  The majroity rest of us are working our tails off to make things better, it just doesn't make good news.


  1. Craziness. That particular incident just seemed a bit contrived, too. I mean, I KNOW there are some crazy soldiers out there, but why was that story leaked when it was? Leak a story, taliban retaliates and now we have a reason to keep the war going a little longer? It's just sickening.

  2. Chrissy, the story was reported by one of the soldiers who was fed up with the killings and was angry the officer's in charge did nothing. I was infuriated after I read the article and had to wonder if some of the Americans I took care of had done something just as heinous but didn't get caught.


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